
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I Have Big Plans On My Blog

I have big plans for this blog in the next couple of months. As I plan to buy a domain and get hosting. I have held off as the views and comments have gone down 50 - 75% since President Trump won the American presidency. I have never written a political post on this blog. Nor do I plan to start.

Weekends seem to be a bust for views. Instead of creating new posts. I have started writing a Weekend Follow Up post where I share all blog posts I have written for the week. Plus, I allow anyone to leave a comment with a link to their latest blog post. I have not got many takers on that yet. I am still working to see how I can make those posts popular for those who do write on their blog on the weekends. I will be trying new things to see which work and which do not. As it is good for all bloggers to do a follow-up post of all they have written in a week's time. It is a way for the blog readers to catch up on what they missed or to be able to go back.

It is suggested by a pro blogger to turn my Weekend follow up into a link up party! To get a few bloggers to host the link up each week. If you are interested, please let me know.

However, I did get a spammer leave a mass amount of comments all over my blog with football links today. I went through and deleted all comments I could find. If you see where a comment has been deleted, that is why. I apologize to my readers for any convenience this may have caused you. I have added moderation on any future blog posts to prevent this.

I have thought about changing the name to my blog when I get a domain and hosting. Do you think my blog would do better with a name change? If so, what suggestions do you have for a name that would fit this blog?

I have much to think about when it comes to this blog, changes to it and how to improve it.

Are you planning anything big for your blog?

Photos from, a free use photo sharing website.


  1. Hi Sandy...Like you I am looking at works to increase my revenue and readership..what a minefield out there it is. I also am loking at getting a domain and changing my name.What do you think about doing a video/skyp chat and bounce ideas about between a few of us if we can arrange a suitable time for us all ? I am also looking at utube as a means I know a few people who are doing quite well from it...Again there are so many options it's hard to sort the wheat from the chaff as we say. What do you think?

    1. It sounds good to me. I know most of the morning tomorrow I will be busy. As it starts off with mom picking me to take me to get blood work done. I am not sure how long that will take. From there she wanted to go a couple places. Later that evening I will be spending time with my boyfriend. Time to start planning a wedding on a budget.

  2. I would do the link thing Sandy. Get in touch with me and tell me what I need to do. I am learning as I o so I am no help at all.

    1. Okay that sounds good. Give me a few weeks as things has picked up here.

  3. I'd suggest Keeping It Simple...currently, even this Blogspot is moving slowly because it's cluttered with too many big pictures, and it's not easy to read because the text is showing up in pale blue! Think printers. Dot-matrix printers.

    1. I was thinking of changing the blue to black. I am trying to figure where I can add the blue in to go with the banner. The blue is hard to read I think unless it is bold. I don't want to bold it all the time.

  4. Old, cheap, blurry, poorly maintained dot-matrix printers.

  5. "Are you planning anything big for your blog?"

    I have several and am, currently, just getting them caught up after not being connected at home for such a long while...


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