
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Tradition Blogmas2016

One of the things to write about on the "31 days of Blogmas" is about Christmas traditions. My children are no longer small. So, some traditions change. Some stay the same. 

One Christmas tradition is putting up the Christmas tree. I use to have a tall artificial Christmas tree with lights. AllI had to do was put it together and decorate. I lost that tree when I lived in my old in the place before this one. As the roof was leaking and ruin all my Christmas tree stuff. Things I had collected for years and the children's ornaments. 

I moved from that place into where I live now. I have no room for that size tree now. So, I replaced it with a small tree that sets on my kitchen table. Usually the kids help decorate. This year, it was only me. They had no interest. That is teenagers for you. Doesn't it look beautiful all lit up? Now to find some small ornaments to decorate the next time I go shopping.

What is a Christmas tradition you celebrate?

Photos taken by and © belong to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. A pretty pink it..Our christmas tradition is Prawn Cocktail and Turkish Delight. The Prawn cocktail I can deliver here ..the Turkish delight unlesS the postman brings some.... I can't get it here.... There won't be that this year :)

    1. May I ask what is a Turkish delight? I hope you get some this year.

  2. I know when everyone grew up all things change, even Christmas. I like your tree.

  3. Very pretty! Our Christmas decorations from the family ran into a water also - miss them!

    1. Sorry your Christmas had the same fate. I had Christmas items from when I was little to. Some things were very old past down for generations.

  4. An adorable pink tree.

    Sad that they didn't want to decorate it with you this year. My family decorated mine without me this year while I was at work.

    1. Oh at least your family put in an effort toput yours up. I don't think mine would of cared if a tree was up or not.


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