
Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Symbolizes.....

One of the suggestions to write about on the "31 Days Of Blogmas" is what Christmas symbolizes to me. This one is hard for me to write about. As I actually had to sit back and think about. I do my best thinking when I am in the kitchen. I put together a Christmas Gingerbread Train. I went on to bake a Cranberry Orange Bread. As it was baking I started thinking about what Christmas means to me.

Christmas is my favorite holiday. As it is the one time throughout the year that you get to see and hear about people helping each out and giving of themselves. I was brought up to celebrate Christmas for the birth of Jesus Christ. To me it is much more than that. It is about family. A time when family can come together and forgive each other. It is suppose to be a time of joy and happiness. The one time of year where you can let all worries go and be happy. 

I don't know with how everything is messed up in the world and my family. It seems what Christmas is all about has been lost. Maybe it doesn't mean the same to everyone else in my family or the meaning got lost, I don't know. I got the Christmas tree up and going through the motions. It doesn't feel the same this year. 

I feel lost. Yet, I still believe in the magic of Christmas.

What does Christmas symbolize to you?


  1. I think the same as you Sandy the meaning of Christmas and family is getting lost...I was putting it down to us being here but maybe it isn't that.

    1. I guess my teensout grew wanting to spend time as family. As they are growing up and wanting to venture on their own. I don't blame them.

  2. This year is different for me as well, since Tony almost died stuff means nothing.

    1. I don't know maybe it is the winter blues getting to me. I do hope things get better for you.

  3. It's such a mess of history and conflicting doesn't really mean much to my immediate family, except that early winter is a good time to prepare for the really cold weather in January.


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