
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Which Sneakers Should He Pick? WW

My teen son looking at all the choices in sneakers

You can tell he is thinking deeply on which ones he will pick.
He decided to pick a pair of black Nike's with gray trim.

Today was the first day of school for my teenagers. My daughter already has her sneakers, boots and booties. My son finally decided to go shopping for a pair of sneakers yesterday. He is hard on sneakers. Not any brand will last. If we shop at Walmart, those brands last a mere six months before the sides are blown out. Finding a decent pair of sneakers that will last all year is a must. As my teenage son is active in after school activities.

Photos taken by and © belong to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.

This blog joins in the "Wordless Wednesday" Challenge. 


  1. I hope the nikes last for him. I have found that Nike and Rebock both blow out just as fast as the cheap ones for me, so I stick with K-mart.

    1. I will find out if they last or not. I hope they do. I wish we had a Kmart in my area still. It closed years ago.

  2. I can definitely relate to this. Both hubby and I need high-quality shoes. He blows his out fairly quickly. I'm not so rough, but I don't go out much. Merille is the best brand here in Utah. I used to buy my kids Nike's when they were growing up. With name brands cutting corners to keep their income up, it's difficult to know which brand or style is best anymore.

    1. Your family sounds like mine. I have never heard of Merille brand before. A pair can last me two years. Thankfully, since I have wide feet. I have to travel an hour or more to find a store to try shoes on or order online. Since Sears closed down. No shoe store in town sells wides.

  3. Nikes don't work for me, but it's whatever works...Y'know, on Fridays this summer (when it's not rained) I've more or less crashed into a friend's booth, regularly, helped sell her stuff in exchange for a place to show mine. She specializes in odd-size shoes, used and new. If you're planning a trip to the Virginia-Tennessee border, let us know what size to look for!

    1. I will keep that in mind. I am not sure when the next time I am down that way.


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