
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Raspberry Trifle Recipe

Over the weekend my family was able to host a backyard BBQ for some friends and family. I enjoy hosting BBQ's or get together with family and friends. It is nice when everyone can get together in one place.
I wasn't able to get pictures of anything. Except the burgers and dessert. Which was the Raspberry Trifle.

Food At The BBQ
Hamburgers with turkey bacon
Veal steaks
Hot dogs
A variety of chips
Macaroni salad
Poppy seed salad
Raspberry Trifle

I decided to make a Raspberry Trifle, as it contains three ingredients. That are quick and easy to prepare.

Trifles are an English cuisine. Trifles have been around the 16th century. There are many varieties of how a Trifle is made. As the recipe has changed over the years. One can make it will alcohol or leave it out. I left it out. I do not add alcohol to my desserts. 

I made a and easy layered Raspberry Trifle. It went over well with all of my guests. As I used no sugar in my ingredients. Which made it good for all my guests. As a few has type 2 diabetis. 

Raspberry Trifle
4 containers of Raspberries
4 small boxes of sugar free vanilla pudding
1 sugar free angel food cake

I took the angel food cake and tore it up in small pieces as I placed them in the bottom of the glass casserole dish. I prepared the no sugar vanilla boxes. I placed a layer over the broken up angel food cake. I topped with raspberries. Repeat till your casserole dish is full. Place in refrigerator til ready to serve to guests. 

I did not top with whip cream. As my boyfriend is allergic to an ingredient it is made with. Whip cream would make a great topping.

**Note : You can make a smaller amount of this. I made enough to fill my casserole dish which would feed at least twenty people. You can place this recipe in individual glass dishes for more eye appeal. I did not have that many glass dishes. I opted to place everything in a deep casserole dish.

**Tip : You can make this same dish in a variety of ways.
Such as angel food cake, chocolate pudding topped with cherry pie filling. The possibilities are endless.


 Photos taken by and © belongs to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. That looks really good. I'm also interested in Your home and garden.

  2. That looks really good. I'm also interested in Your home and garden.

    1. Thank you. I plan on adding more about the home. Garden was little this year. I was able to plant in my front flower bed. Only things came up was a few flowers and some tomatoes that are still green. I am trying to grow them as big as I can before I pull them inside. As I know a few recipes with green tomatoes.

  3. I'm not a fan of raspberries so any trifle containing them wouldn't be on my 'to eat' list but every Christmas I make my own version of trifle - a mixed fruit trifle with a secret ingredient - demerara rum. It always goes down a treat with the family!

    1. I made it with raspberries because they were cheaper than strawberries at the store. You can use different fruit, fresh or substitute with pie filling.

  4. Looks very good and eazsy to make. I am going to have to try this one.

  5. Wonder how this would work with stale and crumbly gluten-free cookies. We love raspberries, but we've been buying blueberries because they've been a better buy than strawberries. When I was on Weight Watchers (in another lifetime now), we used to do something similar with crushed pineapple and butterscotch pudding. Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to try this.

    1. This will work great with stale or crumbled cookies. Or another type of cake or sweet bread like dessert.

      If you remember the pineapple and butterscotch recipe, please let me know. I would love to try it.

  6. I think all these layered pudding confections are good with gluten-free cookies. I've not used raspberries in one...mainly because I tend to eat raspberries in the orchard and, if there are berries left afterward, sell them!

    1. I love trying all the different various of how this dessert can be made. I choose raspberry as they were on sale at the store. I would much rather have freshly picked ones. Oh I have memories of eating them that way.

  7. This is an easy summer dessert for those who have to watch carbs. Our fall raspberry season will be here in another few days. Can't wait. Alana

    1. I love raspberry season. Raspberries are one of the fruits my children agree on and fight over to get the last one.

  8. Looks yummy! Haven't tried making a trifle in quite awhile but I'm inspired no to w fresh fruit still in season.

    1. I usually go with what fruit is on sale at the time when I create these.

  9. Wow, that really is a big batch! I think it would be a great dessert idea for a potluck :)

    1. It worked great for the BBQ my family hosted with friends. Everything was ate up before the night was over.

  10. That looks amazing, and it seems so easy to make too. :) I've never made one, but I should for my family's next get-together. I love trifles because they look fancy, but they're easy to do.


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