
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Party Animal Dog Food Recall

The company Party Animal has issued a recall of two of their can dog food. As they have tested positive for pentobarbital, a euthanasia drug. 

The Products Affected Are 

Cocolicious Beef and Turkey 12 ounce can.
Lot number 0136E15204 04
Best used by July 2019

Cocolicious Chicken and Beef 12 ounce can.
Lot number 0134E15 237 13
Best used by August 2019

Party Animal issued a statement to the public on their website explaining more in detail how they found out about the issue - Party Animal Public Statement

If you have any questions or concerns, consumers are welcome to contact the company by phone at 855-727-8926 or by email at

U.S. citizens are urged to contact the FDA to report any complaints about FDA-regulated Pet Food or products by going to  the website


  1. This is why I make my own dog food you can never tell like your food if you buy tinned or processed what has been messed with.

    1. Many animals like cows or horses that are enthused are used in pet food. I believe that is what happened here.

  2. Thanks foe the heads up on this recall Sandy.

    1. Your welcome. As a animal lover, I like to get the word out to as many pet lovers and owners I can.

  3. It is good to think that the meat of euthanized animals isn't going to waste, but at the same time...scary to think it can get in our pets food if not processed correctly.

    Seems to be SO MANY pet food recalls these days.

    1. I think they need to use the meat from euthanized animals as something other than dog food. There has been too many recalls lately. It scares me to think my 5.6 lb dog could get a hold of something with that drug in it. I don't think it would take much to kill him or make him really sick.

  4. Thank you so much for this! Im a dog mom and Im definitely interested in this service ��


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