
Monday, January 30, 2017

What Boosts My Determination In The Blogging World

I have been participating in a month-long blogging challenge which encourages bloggers to blog once a day. I receive an email daily that gives a suggested topic for those who struggle to come up with a topic of their own. I usually do my own topics. As I keep a never ending list of topics to write on in a notebook. Yet, I liked the topic that was suggested today. The top is "What motivates you to stay blogging and boost your determination?" It wasn't those exact words but the same meaning behind them. 

To me, this was an easy one to blog about. I am determined to keep blogging. As next month I plan to buy a domain and hosting for my food blog over on WordPress. I am thinking about doing that for this blog as well. Not sure if I want to transfer this one over to WordPress or keep doing it through Blogger. I plan to see what the difference the two offers. As I have been doing research on which hosting site to choose. I need something within my budget. Which isn't very high. 

I have been blogging on this blog since March of 2016. I don't blog every day. I normally blog Monday through Friday and take the weekend off doing family stuff. When I can, I do blog on the weekends. 

I do have my own Blogging Facebook group where members share their latest blog link and they help promote other members as well. It is a small group. Not many active members. Yet, the ones that are active are very supportive of each other. When we feel like giving up. We encourage each other to keep going. I feel I have formed a strong bond with those bloggers. Having strong bonds with other bloggers helps to give me the boost I need to keep going. I do believe bloggers should look out for each other and help lift each other spirits up. As we each offer our own twist and unique look at the world. You really can learn a lot from other bloggers. If you take the time to read their blogs too.

Photos from Pixabay, a free use photo sharing website.

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  1. This is the 5th UBC challenge I've participated in and enjoyed meeting new bloggers on each one. It's a great way to increase followers and I've enjoyed reading the other blogs. That's exciting that you will be getting your own domain name!

    1. This is my second one I have participated in. I really enjoy being challenged like that with my writing.
      I love finding new blogs to read. It is a lot of fun.
      I can't wait. I hope I will be able to set it up right and everything.

  2. I like your determination. And your motivation to blog daily. Good for you! (I'm not quite there yet)

    1. I have been told many times my writing is not good enough. I plan to prove those nay sayers wrong one day!

  3. I love the smaller group and I know that if it was not for the bloggers there I would not write, you are right we do need each other :)

    1. I learned blogging can be lonely if you try to do it all by yourself.

  4. Sandy, yes, agree with you.. being part of the challenge has helped me - in knowing there are so many other participants striving towards the same goal, encouraging, visiting, commenting...and discovering new blogs, making new friends..

    1. We all need to encourage each other to strive more in our writings and other endeavors.

  5. I think this is my third or fourth Ultimate Blog Challenge, now I need to nurture that motivation to keep going after the challenge ends! I think getting your own domain name makes sense if you want to sell things on your blog, or post about highly controversial subjects, but blogger has its advantages as well, such as being free... so really its a personal choice.

    1. Yes, I want to get my own domain. I learned if I want to make any real money I need to have my own domain.

  6. I agree the smaller, more engaged groups are more enjoyable :)

    1. I do like them. I am going through my blog groups and have bene leaving the ones that are no longer active. I find it sad when blog groups that were once active disappear.

  7. As I mentioned before, I'm in the process of trying to get my blogs organized and decide which ones I want to write in the most...


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