
Monday, January 23, 2017

I Spent Less Than A Dollar Making These

One thing I love doing is saving money. I am addicted to seeing how much money I can save. I make a game out of it when I go to the store, order online, or make something at home.

I was able to make all of these for less than a dollar. How was I able to make it less than a dollar. Last time I made homemade laundry soap, I bought all the ingredients back in May of last year. I had  all the ingredients left over except for the Fels-naptha soap. All I needed to do was buy one bar of the soap. Which I found at Menard's for 97 cents.  

The recipe take few ingredients 

Fels Naptha Laundry Soap Bar & Stain Remover - 5.5 oz - 2 pk

You can also add these ingredients as an option but not necessary to make homemade soap. They do add a pleasant scent to your homemade laundry soap.

The initial cost to make the laundry soap is around $20.00 depending on what you all put in it. Which is still cheaper than paying for laundry soap at the local grocery store or Walmart. Next time you make homemade laundry soap, all you will have to buy is the Fels-naptha soap. Which you should be able to find around 97 cents at your local home improvement store. When looking for ingredient shop around to see where you can find the cheapest prices. That way you are always saving money.

Photo © Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. I'm not motivated to make my own laundry products. I prefer to save my money by cooking as much as possible from scratch. I'm glad this is working for you.

    1. I wasn't either but knew I needed to do something because of sensitive skin in my family from breaking out. It has helped to where my family is no longer breaking out or itching. It doesn't take that long to make. I enjoy making homemade laundry soap.

  2. I have everything but time, I am so busy to rest I sit down to write. BUT I will one day soon.

    1. I know you are busy, i read your post and wonder how on earth you find all that energy to do all that you do. You are an amazing woman.

  3. Laundry detergent is so expensive and I never buy it without coupons. This sounds very easy to make, think I'll give it a try.

    1. It is very easy to make. It does gel up after being made. You will have to shake it before using it but it really easy. and doesn't take much time.


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