
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2 Things That Can Kill Your Dog

I was on Facebook when I came across a post by one of my friends. She mention a friend of her that has a German Shepard was recently diagonised with dysautonomia. If you never heard of it before and have a dog. I suggest you look it up and learn. As it is a nasty but rare condition dogs can get. Normally young dogs are affected. Yet, that doesn't mean older dogs are immune to catching it. 

The worse part of dysautonomia, is there is no known cure or no know source of how a dog could catch this. Nothing confirmed. There is specualtion it could come from garbage or dead rotting animals. Dysautonomia is a death sentennce to most dogs. Rarely do dogs survive dysautonomia. In the rare cases some do survive, it takes a year or more of recovery, which can be costly.

During the same thread on Facebook it was brought up that peanut butter is highly toxic with Xylitol. Xylitol has been banned in some countries, but not the USA. When I learned this, the first thing I did was check to see if my peanut butter had Xylitol in it. As I like making homemade treats for dogs with peanut butter. Mine does not.

While Xylitol is good for diabetics and people with metabolic syndrome. It is not for dogs or birds. It can be deadly. As it can cause low blood sugars in dogs. Since I am a type 2 diabetic, I know what low and high sugars feel like. I would not want any dogs to experience something like that. It is not fun. Sugar going to low can kill as easily as if it gets to high. 

I want to mention before closing that because an item says sugar free, it doesn't mean it is sugar free. As other forms of sugar can be in the item disguised under a different name. Such as Xylitol. What I mention in this article is nothing compared to the mounds of information avaiable. To be a good responsible pet owner, one must be informed of the dangers that can kill our pets.

Photos from Pixabay. The peanut butter was taken by and © belongs to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. Thanks for publishing this as this is very important. I wonder if cat treats have the artificial sweetener in it. I would think it would be toxic as well.

    1. I read Xylitol doesn't affect cats.Yet, I would avoid using it. Since it kills birds. As who is to say a bird affected by that is dying, won't affect that catches it and eats it.

  2. Wow. I didn't know these things either. Thank you for posting this as a warning to pet owners. We love our pets too much to cause them any kind of discomfort.

    1. You are welcome!! I enjoy passing helpful information on to other cat owners.

  3. Thanks for writing this Sandy. I didn’t know that. I have not given peanut butter to my dog but I am glad I know about this information.

    1. Your welcome.Just read labels before you give your dog any peanut butter or basically anything for that matter to make sure Xylitol isn't in it.


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