
Monday, September 5, 2016

Visiting A Local Park

For much of Saturday, I was able to visit a well known local park. As one of my friends little girl was having a birthday party. My boyfriend, my daughter, a friend of my daughters and me went together. I was able to see many people I have not talked to in awhile.

The park has many trees throughout it. many of trees have nuts that feed the local wildlife. Such as hickory and walnut. It is great for taking scenic photos. Among the trees you will see wildlife that frequent the local area. Such as black squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, and various birds.
Behind the park runs a river. You are able to find different spots to go fishing or sit by the river.

The park offers many different playground type equipment for the children to play on. I have seen in the past single adults coming out and using the monkey bars to exercise.
There are several different open shelters houses where people can hold a picnic, birthday parties and more. A small grill is at each shelter house for visitors to use. You must bring your own charcoal.

Trash bins are placed throughout the park for visitors to place their trash in. Trash cans are important to use. As wildlife can get trapped in trash thrown on the ground or easily swallow the trash thinking it is food. Both ways are a slow and horrible death for the animal.

Do you visit local parks?

Photo taken by and © belongs to sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


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