I was reading where a blogger asked their readers to interview
themselves as a start of the New Year. To give yourself an interview.
I thought that sounds like fun. I don't want to wait til thebegining of the year. As I know I will forget all about it. So, I am taking it on myself to do it now. I want to add more to this interview
by asking my readers to ask me anything in the comments area. I will
answer honestly.
Interviewing Myself : If I was being interviewed. I would like to
be asked the following questions :
What is your #1 goal for 2016?
My Goal for 2016
would be to write something every day. Unless I am sick.
Are you content in your writing life?
To be
honest, as of right now, no. I would like to earn more online than
what I do. I plan to
write daily on this blog. Right now I am only earning anywhere. I have started writing a little bit on Niume. I have not been paid. Nor do I know if the website does pay. I was writing regurly on BlogBourne til they changed the rules and added two hundred words to the orginal word count. I am trying to post once a week til October 1st to if the website is going to pay like they claim. Plus, see how much they are willing to pay. Or if it is even worth to stay on the website. If I don't think so, I plan to pull all my post and put somewhere I can earn from them. I am starting to post more on Mylot. I need to start posting daily. Not do anything but commenting like I have been.
What are your writing niche(s)?
I have
several niches. They are all based around my lifestyle being a disabled blogger living on a budget while traveling and being able to take care of my family and pets.
What is your best memory of 2015?
My best
memory would include all of them I have with my family. My family
would include : My three kids. My grandson and my boyfriend.
What is your worst memory of 2015?
That would
have to be when my teenage son was arrested for stealing at Wal-Mart.
My heart broke. As it seems like he is following in his big brothers
What item could you not live without?
would have to say my camera. I feel naked it I don't have a camera in
some form on me. Whether it is my camera or my smart phone with a
What is the newest thing you are doing online?
have bought an Amazon prime membership at the end of last year. I have joined multiple
websites to reviewed items for free or a deep discount in exchange
for an honest review. I have been doing it for almost a year now. It is about time to renew my Amazon prime membership. As much as I have saved over the course of the year. It has been well worth the price I paid for Amazon prime.
What advice can you give to someone discouraged in the writing
My advice would be to encourage that writer or blogger to keep going. That everyone has down days. Let them know how
their content has encouraged you to stay motivated. Sometimes a
writer needs to read or hear they are making an impact on others. I
would let them know they are as worthy as anyone else in the writing
world. I would try to lift their spirit.
Over the course of the year, I have learned all bloggers have the fear of saying the wrong thing and offending another blogger to the point they loose readers. I am not immuned. I learned there will be others jealous of what I am accomplishing in the blogging world. There will be always others who will stop at nothing to try to upset me or feed me false information to watch me fail. As long as I hold my head up high and not let the nay sayers get to me or fall for the bad advice to make me fail, I will be okay. If I do fail, I will pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over. I will use it as a learning curve to improve. Not as a failure.
Challenge : Give yourself an interview.
Photo from Pixabay, a free use photo website.

I am a Home and Family blogger. Everything I blog about pertains to my home in some way. From DIY projects, cooking in the kitchen, planting a garden, Tips for dogs, or sharing our travels you will notice it is all centered around the home and travel. Any product or book reviews I share are something used in my home or travels.
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