
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Staying Cool In The City Pool

One way my family likes to stay cool in the summer is by visiting the city pool. It is open only on the weekdays. I am not sure why they don't open on the weekends. As I am sure that is when most families would swim at the pool together.

My boyfriend does not swim as long as the teens. My boyfriend freezes too quickly in cold water. The city pool is kept cold. I like swimming when my body is swelling. It is a way to reduce my swelling. It feels good. I last about an hour or less before the cold starts affecting my bad leg causing. I know that is time to get out. Otherwise, my leg will free up or cramp up and not work right. Someone would have to help me out of the pool.

I was trying to take a picture of my daughter getting in the pool. However, some kid thought it would be funny to interrupt and mess up the photo take. He was successful. As she was literally right behind him. I was able to get a shot of him instead. He kept waving his arms and would not move till I took a photo of him.

Instead, I got a funny face when my daughter emerged from the pool. She refused to get back out and allow me to try to take any more pictures. One was enough for her.

The city pool does have a slide and a kiddie pool off to the side. You must go to the main pool to access the kiddie pool. Parents of children not swimming, must still pay to get in to take their kids to the kiddie pool.

The city pool does offer a season pass.
Daily admission is $3.00 per person.
Individual passes are $60.00
Family passes (Up to 4) cost $120.00. Costing $10 for each family member after.

Do you have a city pool in your area? If not, how do you keep cool?

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  1. I wish we had access to a pool in this heatwave!!

  2. I hide inside to stay cool and take extra baths or showers. We have a pool in our apartment complex. But between the ducks living in it during off hours and the enormous crowd of people who are always there...i can't bring myself to get in to that water. I really like that your entire family goes to the pool together. Fun !


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