
Monday, July 25, 2016

Homemade Mushroom Burger

The other night I made homemade mushroom burgers for my family. Boy were they yummy! They were messy. You know the ooey gooey type, you know that take to good to resist.

it was easy and quick to make. You can make these in two ways. You can use a packet of gravy. To make the gravy. Or you can make a homemade gravy. Which I find to taste delicious. 

Homemade Mushroom Burger

1 cup of water
1 cup of sliced or chopped mushrooms
4 tsp of flour
1/4 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar
2 tsp of butter

I take the flour and brown in a frying pan. Once the flour is browned. I add the butter stirring slowly as it melts. Next I add in the mushrooms and salt. Slowly I whisk in the water. Followed by the balsamic vinegar.

Using my whisk to stir as the gravy thickens. Usually takes ten minutes.

Assembling The Sandwich
I start assembling the sandwich. I place a bun on a plate. take the top bun. Place it to the side. Add a slice of cheese and lettuce to the bottom bun. Add the hamburger patty. Top with the homemade hamburger gravy. Add a little light mayo to the top bun. Place top bun on sandwich. Serve immediately.

Photo taken by and © belongs to
Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. Okey and glory is best! Thanks for the vertical image - pinned!

  2. Looks delicious and sounds so simple. Will have to try this!

  3. I love mushrooms with anything beef. This sounds really delicious!

  4. they sound and look good. My family isn't big on mushrooms but, I would like them.

    1. Some of my family members aren't either. They got served plain hamburgers.

  5. Sounds like a quick and easy recipe. I would probably use the homemade gravy option.

    1. That is the way I normally make it. Unless for some reason I am pressing for time. Then I use the packet gravy, add my own spices to turn out.


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