
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

10 Different Ways To Create A Unique Flavor Making Smores

Yesterday, I shared my recipe of ‘‘No Bake Peanut butter Balls". One of my adult son's favorite snacks he requests.
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Tonight, I want to talk about smores. As my family likes making smores.  It is a treat that is made at nighttime to enjoy over a campfire. Which is popular in the United States and Canada. Smores normally consist of a marshmallow roasted over a fire, with pieces of a chocolate bar layered in between two graham crackers to resemble a sandwich.
Trivia : What day is National Smores Day celebrated on each year? August 10th.
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The earliest known recipe for s’mores is back in the 1920’s for the Boy and Girl Scouts of America.
People still enjoy the original smores recipes. While coming up with new and unique recipes. One such recipe I came across last year for a ‘Cookie Dough Smores Bar‘.
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There are many items you can add to create smores while having a unique twist. Which are :
1. You can melt chocolate chips and marshmallows together. To dip in a graham cracker cookie as a quick snack.
2. You can take your smores ingredients and add it in making a smores cookie.
3.  You can place a marshmallow on a stick, dip in melted chocolate, then roll it in graham cracker crumbs.
4. Instead of using Hershey’s chocolate bars. Instead try other chocolate bars. Such as Reese’s peanut butter cup, Andes mint or cherry bars, or try a Cookies N’ Cream candy bar combination.
5. For little hands, you can use Teddy Grahams snacks to a mini marshmallow and a mini chocolate bar.
6. Add smores ingredients inside a biscuit or crescent.
7. Mix it by using a different flavored marshmallows, chocolate graham crackers, and replace chocolate with peanut butter or nutella.
8. Add your favorite flavor of jelly, peanut butter, marshmallow and chocolate bar inside graham crackers.
9. Add in different slices of fruit with your typical smores ingredients. Such as : pineapples, strawberries or bananas.
10. Add your typical smores ingredients and turn your treat in to a milkshake.

How you tried smores? How is your favorite way to prepare them?


  1. My son loved this he wanted to make them right away.

  2. Definitely going to try some of these different ways of making smores. Yum!

  3. those are creative additions to the traditional!

  4. Ahh, memories!! We used to make these all the time as a family when we were camping. I haven't had one for a LONG time, and then we were at my in-laws' house for July 4th. We had a bonfire in the firepit in their backyard AND made s'mores!

  5. I like them the old-fashioned marshmallow cooked over the campfire way, with a square of chocolate in a graham cracker sandwich. Guess I'm a traditionalist.

  6. I used to make s'mores in my Bronx apartment (when I was growing up) and I would even roast marshmallows on the gas stove. If I was making them today, I would tend to the totally traditional. Alana


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