
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Promote Your Blogs On Twitter

Twitter is an excellent way to promote your blogs. Many of my friends promote their blog links on Twitter. As well as share other people's blog links.

Twitter History 
Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Noah Glass, and Evan Williams. Twitter employs over 3,000 people. Twitter is a social media website where you can share a short message called tweets, up to 140 characters.

Grow A Twitter Following
I have 1208 followers on Twitter and growing by the day.  When I first signed up for Twitter. I was intimated on sharing links. I was afraid I would share to many and be considered spam. I was wrong in thinking that way. To grow Twitter followers you need to be active on your account. I wasn't active. I notice a few of my friends who were active. So, I asked them a few questions on how I can gain followers on Twitter. Plus the in's and out's.

Follow Me On Twitter
If you are not already following me on Twitter. I invite you to do so :
Once you get to Twitter. Sign in or register for an account, if you do not already have one. To follow someone, go to their profile. You should see a button in the upper right hand corner that says 'follow'. Click on 'follow'. It is as simple as that.

Follow Those Who Follow You
I like to follow all those who follow me. Unless they share things I am against or not interested. Such as : Abuse, nudity, sex, or spam. I normally follow back with in a week's time.

You can find other members of Twitter who follow the same blog niches as you. There are several ways to do this :
1. On the left side of your profile. It will say who to follow. It will list some names. If interested click follow.
2. Below that it says find friends. You can do that by looking through your contacts in Gmail and Outlook. 
3. In the search bar, add your friends name or what you enjoy learning and reading about. 

Follow The Ones You Want
You do not have to follow all the niches or names that come up. Only follow the ones you think you will interested in or want to learn more about. 

My Favorite Niches To Follow
My favorites niches to follow and promote are : food related, animals & pets, home & garden, family, blog posts, and much much more.

Twitter Link Up
I encourage you to follow me on Twitter :
If you want more Twitter followers, I suggest you leaving your Twitter link in the comments below. Follow all those interest you. If other bloggers are interested in gaining more followers. They will follow you back.

Do you have a Twitter account? Do you want more Twitter followers?

Photos from a  free use photo website.


  1. I really need to work on my Twitter following. It's time for me to not only follow back, but to start actively looking for new people to interact with and follow.

    1. My following isn't large compared to may others. But it is growing slowly.

  2. I plan on working on twitter once I get everything back up.

    1. I already have a nice amount there. That's why i was so happy that I didn't have rebuild twitter, and other social sites. I can't believe how long it is taking me just to re-post my stuff.

    2. I already have a nice amount there. That's why i was so happy that I didn't have rebuild twitter, and other social sites. I can't believe how long it is taking me just to re-post my stuff.

  3. I do use Twitter but am not sure how to form a proper tweet. Is there a formula that I should know about? What's the best way to word a tweet and what is the formula to word it. I understand about the characters - that's not a problem- thanks,

    1. There is no correct way to write a tweet. I suggest making it short and to the point. Use hashtags helps others find you and your tweet when looking for their niches.

    2. If sharing a link. make sure your tweet is relevant to the link. Otherwise it looks like you will be sharing spam.

  4. I got the majority of my 1393 twitter followers by doing follow for follows. Unfortunately they are not "quality" followers. Much like facebook, I can share links but get very few clickthroughs. I don't like twitter much. I guess I need to try to use it outside of sharing links, but just can't get INTO it. I like facebook better because it leads to better interaction.

    1. Facebook does have better interaction. I like Twitter because I like to say short sentences and get straight to the point. As some days I can think of anything more. I always re-tweet 5 others or share 5 others people links every time I share a link or tweet. That way I stay active. It is helping.

  5. I have more followers than I follow. I used to be more active on twitter I really need to spend more time there. Good article I really did not know twitter history.

  6. I find twitter fun. Because it challenge to post something in 140 characters. It gets my brain cell fired up.
    Coffee is on

  7. I didn't know much about Twitter either but love it now. Q

    1. It took me a few years to embrace twitter. I wish I had done it sooner.

  8. I'm on Twitter and have been for several years. I find it an easy way to share blog posts or other posts I like, but I don't put much time or effort into gaining followers. It just is what it is - I like it as a source of finding out about breaking news, too. Alana

    1. I have never used it for breaking news. Not many of the peopel I follow share that. I guess I should try connecting to some of the news outlets to find out more. Thank you for the idea.

  9. It takes time to build a quality following. I try to follow those who interact with me and I cultivate them. I don't do follow for follow, but I do check the profile of every new follower within about a week and follow those who interest me and put them on one of my twitter lists. I just put you on four of my lists. If I can't find a list for a follower, I figure they probably won't be tweeting anything I'm interested in or get much out of my tweets, either. Each account has a separate group of lists. There is a lot of crossover.


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