
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pesto Tuna Salad Recipe

One thing my family and friends know, is I love to play with spices, sauces and marinades. To add new flavors to create new and amazing dishes. Just as much as I love going out to try new foods. If it looks good, I am going to try it sometime.

For I do not enjoy eating the same old boring thing. If I do, I get tired of it and stop eating it. Don't get me wrong, I love traditional dishes and sandwiches. However, living on a budget doesn't allow me to have much variety at a time. This is when I enjoy creating new flavors in the dishes I eat. Playing with spices is like a game to me. 

I love tuna salad sandwiches. I wanted something with a little bit that wasn't spicy. My boyfriend loves tomatoes and onions on his. Which as two ingredients I must avoid.

What do you add to your tuna to give it a unique taste?

Pesto Tuna Salad Recipe
1 can of tuna, drained
1 teaspoon of pesto
2 teaspoons of mayo made with olive oil
1/4 teaspoon of ginger
1/4 Chia seeds

Mix well. Spread on bread of your choice. I used wheat bread.  Enjoy.

You can also add : shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, dill pickle slices, grated carrots and diced or sliced onions.


  1. This sounds really good! I never would have thought to put ginger with pesto. But before I'd tried ginger with tuna, I didn't think those two ingredients go together. How wrong I was!

    1. It is really good. Even my boyfriend liked it. At first he thought it was spinach. I told him no and what I used. he had no issues trying it after that. he hates spinach.


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