
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Lucky Dog Grain Free Roast Duck Treats

I was lucky enough to be selected to review a treat for my dogs that is grain free roast duck recipe with carrots and oranges. Made by Lucky Dog. It came in 12 ounces.

On the back of the box it claims the recipes only contain quality ingredients. Such as flax seed to promote healthy skin etc. With the six other flavors listed below. Which is great except this particular recipe does not have flax seed in the ingredients. It would led the consumer to believe this products has it in it. Unless they actually check the ingredients. I suggest always double checking to see what the ingredients is in any of your pets treats or dog food for this reason.

Ingredients include: Potato, pea, and tapioca flour, canola oil, duck, carrots, peas and oranges. Calories per treat is sixteen.

The shape of the treat is like a four leaf clover or flour. It is a hard biscuit. It is small in size. As I placed one next to my 5.6 lb Chihuahua wired haired mix to show it's approximate size. He sat very sit as I took the picture. As he has been trained to do a few commands to receive a treat.

While Rascal was waiting for his treat. Kit Kat the feline came racing up and grabbed his snack. Ran for cover. I do not endorse giving these treats for cats. As they were made for dogs. However, Kit Kat sure liked them. She came begging for a second. Which I did not give.

However, I did give Rascal another. After I placed Kit Kat in her room. I also gave one to my Chug named Moose. Both dogs and Kit Kat loved the treats. They have had duck many times before. It is one of their favorite treats. I think I have found another one of their favorites with this particular flavor.


I received this product for free, a deep discount or I paid shipping and handling. In exchange for an honest review. based on my families and my personal experiences.
Photos © belong to me Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. Those treats sound really cool and my dogs would love them. Thanks for the review!

    1. Your welcome. My dogs really love duck. Most biscuit type treats they won't touch. They snagged these ones right up.

  2. Sounds like a treat the fluff aka my dog would love!


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