Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dandelion Jelly Recipe

Dandelions have been growing all over my front and backyard. My daughter and I went around and picked a large batch of them. As I decided to make something out of them. Before they went to waste.

There are all kinds of things you make out of Dandelions. Plus, the health benefits you get out of Dandelions are worth all the fuss.

9 Things our bodies need that are obtained by eating Dandelions
1. Beta-carotene which the human body turns into Vitamin A
2. Vitamin C
3. Iron
4. Calcium
5. Fiber
6. Potassium
7. Phosphorus
8. Magnesium
9. Zinc 

Health Benefits You Obtain From
Eating Dandelions  

1. Protects bones from age-related damage.
2. Detoxifies the liver.
3. Promoting digestion.
4. Helps to stimulate the production of insulin from the pancreas. 
5. Useful in treating skin issues. Such as  itching, ringworm, and eczema.
6. The juice fights acne.
7. Low in calories which help promote weight loss.
8. Fights cancer - high in antioxidants
9. Jaundice - helps regulate bile production
10. Helps fight constipation 
11. Anemia - high in iron
12. Helps diabetics to lower their blood sugar

Learning all about the benefits made me determine this year I will make something from Dandelions. Not just write about it.  I looked up recipes for dandelion jelly, tea, and fried Dandelion greens etc. I decided on making Dandelion jelly. The original recipe I found through Simply Canning website. I converted the recipe to make a larger batch.

Dandelion Jelly

9 cups of Dandelion tea
12 cups of Stevia or other sugar alternative
6 Tablespoons of lime juice
3 boxes of powdered pectin

You make the Dandelion tea by adding the yellow flower of the Dandelion to a pot. Add as many cups of HOT water, as you have Dandelions. Cover pot, let sit overnight. Sometimes I let it sit for a couple of days. The longer it sits, the stronger the tea will be. It should have a yellow to light brown tint when complete

Add Dandelion tea, lime juice and pectin in sauce pan. Bring to a boil. Add sugar. Make sure sugar gets blended into completely. Otherwise, it will stick to bottom of your sauce pan and burn. Bring to a rolling boil. Remove from heat. Add to jars. make sure you leave 1/4 inch of space from the top.

You can process these in a water bath for 10 minutes. Or process for 10 minutes if you are under 6000 feet elevation. 15 minutes if you are over 6000 feet elevation.

Now I let the jelly set for 48 hours to jell up before using. Jelly must be refrigerated once opened.

I made 36 small jelly jars.

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  1. I have not yet tried dandelion jelly so this might be a good one to make.

    1. Oh Dandelion jelly is yummy. Make sure you put enough sugar otherwise it will be tart.


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