
Monday, May 30, 2016

What Is Your Favorite Flavor Of Ice Cream?

Yesterday my family attended a family member's graduation party. It was good to see people I have not seen in a very long time. Such as my father and stepmom. My father never said a word to me til I went up to him when I was leaving to give him a hug, kiss and tell him I loved him. I love him with all my heart but really don't know what to say to him anymore. He isn't into the things I talk about on my blogs. I am going to try again next month. As it will be his 66th birthday. Maybe I can spark up a conversation.

After the graduation my oldest son, his girlfriend and my grandson came to visit. It made me so happy. My grandson headed start for the back door. He loves playing outside at grandmas. He only likes to come in to grab something to eat.

After a while, we all headed to the only ice cream shop still open. I decided to treat everyone to ice cream cones. We each choose a cone that was dipped in chocolate and some kind of candy. Except for my son girlfriend. She chooses an ice cream bowl dipped in chocolate and Oreos. As hot as it was, I think she made a better choice.

The ice cream was melting quicker than I could get photos. This is the ice cream cone I choose. I also ordered soft ice cream. Which I have to say was a mistake. Good thing the ice cream did not go over the top of the cone. It would have been all over.

My daughter picked 'Superman' ice cream. I explained to her that flavor has been around a very long time. As I remember getting when I was a child. She asked what it tastes like. I couldn't remember. I told her to get it and try it out. Thankfully she loved it. It is her new favorite. 

Both of the boys decided to order chocolate of anything he could think of. Can't tell he loves chocolate at all, can you? Lol.

I ended up giving half of the ice cream cone and placing it in a cup. Which I gave to my grandson. He was ecstatic and clapped his hands. He threw his container away when he was done eating without being asked. He is such a smart boy for who will be turning two next month.

Do you like ice cream? What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?


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