
Monday, May 23, 2016

Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe

I am always looking for ways to stretch my budget and make it go further. I heard about the benefits of making my own homemade laundry soap.  Plus how much it would save me over all.

One thing I noticed that the initial cost may be a little high. However, once the first batch is made. All I need to buy for the next batch will be for the cost of the fels-naptha soap. Which is under $2.00.

My initial cost :
fels-naptha soap $1.99 at WalgreensBorax by 20 mule team for $4.17 at Walmart
Super Washing soap for $3.97 at Walmart
Downy Unstoppable Scents for $5.97 at Walmart

I ended making 5 gallons of homemade laundry soap for roughly $16 to $17.00 dollars. Which is roughly what I spent each month two buy 150 fl. ozs. of Gain laundry soap.

The 5 gallon bucket filled up to containers that hold two 150 fl ozs and one 45 1/2 ozs. Plus, I still have more in the bucket I plan on giving away. Which I am not including in saving money on.

I roughly will be saving anywhere from $37 - $39 dollars each time I make a new batch of homemade laundry soap. Over time, that money adds up.

I took a few pictures as I made the laundry soap.

This is what it looks like after pouring the soaps in.

This is what it looks like with the blended soap and adding the Downy stoppable scents.

This is what it looks like it the bucket. This is what I have left and plan on giving away. I have two people coming over to pick it up. You notice how the color changed after I added the downy unstoppable scents.

Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe
1 bar of Fels-naptha soap - grated1/ 2 cups Borax by 20 mule team 
1/2 cups of Super Washing soap 
1 full cap full of Downy Unstoppable Scents
10 drops of your favorite scent of essential oil
6 cups of water
1 5 gallon bucket

In a large pan, heat the water. Add the fels-naptha soap, washing soda, and borax. Mix well. To a low boil. When everything is well. Add the Downy stoppable scents. When melted, mix well.

Pour into a clean 5 gallon bucket. Add enough cold water to fill bucket. Add in your favorite essential oil. Blend well.

Allow laundry soap to sit for 24 to 48 hours. The laundry soap will look like a gel as it thickens. 

Some people use a mixer to blend their stuff more. I don't have a mixer or blender at the moment. So, I didn't. I used a funnel and a cup to pour the homemade laundry in to each container. 

Use 1/2 cup for each load of laundry.

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