
Saturday, May 14, 2016

7 Things You Can Do To Prepare Your Pet In case Of An Natural Disaster

Today, may 14th, 2016 is National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day. It was created to help spread awareness of being prepared for your pets in case of an emergency or a nature disaster happens.

Shelters during disasters are overwhelmed dealing with the animals they have in their care. They don't have time to worry about your pets to. As staff is normally understaffed during disasters and trying to stretch what resources they have available. If your pet happens to show up there, they will take your pet in as well.

For this reason you need to have a plan on what to do with pet if a disaster happens. Like in any emergency, you need a plan. Not only for your family but your pets as well.

7 Things you can do to prepare your pet in case of a natural disaster : 

1. Make sure pet is either micro chipped or has a collar with id and contact information. Such as your phone number and address.

2. Have a decal on your doors or window to others know you have pets in your house. If you can include your vets info. As that is one place your pet can end up.

3. Prepare a 'grab and go kit'. This is important to have things you would need to care for your pet already in one place. So, you can grab and go. Such as: pet medications, an extra week supply of food, extra comfort toys to keep your pet busy, extra blanket in case it is cold to keep your pet warm, bottled water, your contact information, your vets contact information, your pets age, name, behavior issues and medical information. Extra collars or harnesses and leashes. Diaper wipes, waste clean up and dog pee pads. As you never know where you will end up or what will be needed to use.You can keep these in a tub or an extra dog crate you can pick up and go.

4. Learn where your pet will hides. This way if you have to leave quick, You can locate your pet and go.

5. Carry a picture of your pet in case you get separated from your pet and need to to locate them later. 

6. Know where you can take your pet or leave them. Many hotels will not allow them. Not even in case of an emergency. See if you can locate pet friendly hotels before hand. Ask friends or relatives if they can house your pet. 

7. Most all remain calm. Pets can sense when their owners are upset. The more upset and moody you are. They more they will be. 

Do you have your pet prepared in case of a natural disaster or an emergency?


Photos from Pixabay, a free use photo website.

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