Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Today, in the United States we celebrate,"Happy Mother's Day". It is a day to celebrate and remember all the mother's out there. If it wasn't for our mothers we would not be here.

Yesterday, my boyfriend took his mother, father, and myself out for ice cream. We went to local ice cream shop that has three locations in my city. It has the best tasting ice cream around. Beats out Dairy Queen by a long shot.

Today, I took mom to the Japanese steak house for a late lunch early dinner. I will write about that later on my food blog.  She doesn't go to places unless it is McDonalds, Burger King or something like that. So, it was a real treat to take her to a sit down restaurant. She really enjoyed herself. I was happy to be able to spoil her on Mother's day.

My boyfriend and I allowed our parents to choose where to be taken to eat at. We felt it was there day. We would allow them to choose where to be treated at.

My daughter gave me a bracelet for Mother's day. I am pretty proud of her. She helped put in on my wrist.

My teen son wished me a Happy Mother's day. Told me not to get up for anything. He would get it for me. Now he is hiding in his room. Lol.

My oldest son texted me Happy Mother's day. He was over most of the day yesterday with a hangover. As I watched his baby all night.

I had a great time spoiling the mothers on Mother's day. I made sure to text and Facebooked all my friends that are mothers and wish them a Happy Mother's day.

I made sure to let a friend of mine know I was thinking of her on Mother's day.  Even though she doesn't have her daughter. I know she loves her daughter very much. Regardless of where her daughter is.

You see this friend made a mistake and went to prison while pregnant.  You guessed it. She had her child in jail. Where it went straight to foster care. Where eventually she was adopted by the foster parents. My friend is still a mother regardless of her past. I made sure to let her know I was thinking of her because I know how much she loves her little girl.

I know many people don't know what to say in situations like this. Ignoring it or pretending it hasn't happen. Makes things worse for the mother. I wanted my friend to have a good day. Since she couldn't be with her daughter. I know she is hurting. I made sure to let her know I was thinking of her. It's the least I could do.

Make sure to remember all mothers on this day. Regardless if they have their children with them or not. The ladies are still mother's. Only difference is they can't hold or hug their child. They may need a hug more than we do.

I want to wish all friends, family, fellow bloggers and loyal readers a "Happy Mother's Day".

How have you celebrated Mother's day?

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