Friday, April 3, 2015

Peanutbutter and Jelly

Did you know the Aztecs used peanuts in a different way as we know peanutbutter today? However, George Washington Carver receives credit as he came up with three hundred uses for peanuts. From peanutbutter, paper, oils, ink and more.

I tried looking up who created jelly or a timeline of when it was created. however, I came up empty. It seems Jelly was created over in Europe or earlier using sugar cane. Grape jelly became popular in the united States. Although many different flavors are offered.

I grew up through my childhood at having peanut butter and butter sandwiches or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was a real treat to get one as a child. Peanut Butter and butter sandwiches left for something to be desired. Plus, it always made me thirsty.

Challenge : Write about peanut butter, jelly or your favorite sandwich served at lunch time.

Photos from Pixabay

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