
Sunday, April 5, 2015

A - Z Emotion Challenge : Emotions

Emotions are feelings accompanied by a reaction. Such as breathe heavier, fist tightening, pulse racing, etc.

I am a few days behind in writing my weekly emotions posts. I want to apologize. As being Easter today, emotions have been running high all week. Family and friends stopping in unannounced while trying to do a normal routine. Plus, get things ready for today's events.

I have a range of emotions going through my head right now. I know today is about Jesus. He is the reason for the season. However once again things prevent me from being joyous and allowing me to celebrate. As I know in my heart Jesus is the reason for the season.

Just like Christmas morning, today I was awoke with my daughter screaming at the top of her lungs because she wanted to do everything but take her medication. The one things she knows she must do when she first gets out of bed. How many times do I have to repeat? " Be quiet and take your meds."

I am emotionally drained. I am tired of the toe tipping on eggshells because she might explode at something she doesn't want to hear. I am tired of feeling like I am living in the past. Afraid to show my emotion or say a word for fear my daughter will explode and place her hands on me again.

I am tired of watching her prance around the house like she owns it doing what she wants. Such as walking in her brothers room unannounced and listening to both of them have a screaming match on a daily bases. Or telling me how its unfair that she has to put the dishes away. Instead she would rather sit on her bum doing nothing while everyone runs around waits on her hand and foot.

The house echos. My ears hurt, my head hurts. I can't think straight. All I want to do is lay down and cry. My stomach hurts and I feel like I am going to puke.

Dear Jesus,
I pray you pour your precious blood over each and everyone of us. Help us overcome wild emotions we feel we must act on them instead of showing restraint. Help us to hold our tongue before we say something that will hurt each other beyond repair. I know my family is not the only one going through these range of emotions. We are not the worse or at the top of the list. However, I don't know how much more of this my family can take before it breaks. I pray and beg of you to help and intervene before it is too late. My son hates his sister. My daughter is jealous of her brothers. She defies any rule or words spoken that isn't her own. My eldest son has his own problems to deal with. Such as a broken heart while trying to be a good dad to his baby. Please forgive my sins, as I have many.
In your name, Jesus, I pray,

Once a week I will be doing the next letter of the alphabet based on a emotion. To learn more about this challenge. Please click on the photo below.

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