
Monday, March 2, 2015

What Is Moose?

Moose isn't a moose.
Moose isn't a pug.
Moose isn't a chihuahua.
Moose isn't grown.
Moose isn't alone.
Moose isn't mean.
Moose really isn't a purebred.
Moose is a dog.
Moose is a pup.
Moose is a chug.
Moose is a designer breed.
Moose is comical.
Moose really is a mutt.
Moose is crate trained.
Mooose is potty trained.
Moose has a fenced in back yard.
Moose has a soft bed.
Moose has a lot of toys.
Moose has a favorite stick.
Moose has a bone.

Moose has a forever home. Moose is my Chug that was born right before Halloween in 2012. He was a product of an unwanted pregnancy of a previous owner getting rid of their dog. Claiming it was their boss's dog but knew nothing about it. Turns out the previous owner was a known dog flipper and wanted to get rid of Moose's momma before anyone noticed she was pregnant. Her lose, my gain.

Chug , Animal, Dog, Moose, MooseDDog

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