
Monday, March 9, 2015

March 8th, Thankfulness

Photo from Pixabay
I am staying up late to write this. It is past 1 am. I should be in bed. However, I can not sleep. I am having stomach issues. So, I thought what a better time than now to write what I am thankful for.

I am thankful today was peaceful. Sure my teens fought some. My daughter started her usually crap. 

This momma got smart. I asked my son if he would drop a letter off at the local mailbox outside a popular grocery store uptown. This momma is thankful he jumped at the chance. I also had him pick him, his sister and myself a 6 inch sub from Subway.

I am thankful I have these walls to keep the elements outside out. Such as the wind, rain, and snow. Instead of being cooped up for days. I could very easily have no place to live.

God has provided my family with each other. I am thankful for each of my kids. Even my oldest who never seems to want to hang out at my place anymore. Hopefully that will change soon.

Neither of my boys like for me to take pictures of them. Thankfully my daughter does. At least one of my children understand my passion for taking photos.

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