
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Many Blessings

For today's challenge. I am writing about blessings that have been bestowed on me. If you would like to take this challenge, you can find more about it at: "Things to write about in March". If you participate, please leave a link in the comments area. That way I can read what you wrote.

I sit back in my computer chair and think of the blessings that has been given to me. God has given me three beautiful children. Booty 23, Thomas Lee 16, and Emily 14. He has also given me one grandson KJ 9 months.

God has blessed me with a boyfriend of three years. He is the kindest man I have ever been with. He may be a little crazy. However, he is my kind of crazy. I love him very much. My only wish is that I could of meet him years earlier. Maybe I would not be on my second divorce. I know God has a plan for me, in his own time. Not mine.

Another blessing is my dogs. Buster, English mastiff will be two this summer, Moose The Chug turn three in October 2015, and Rascal, the Chihuahua mix will be one this summer.

I have a roof over my head and able to pay the bills. I have my online friends who is willing to give me advice. Plus, listen to my rants on Facebook about my life. I receive the things I need in many different ways.

I am blessed with an extended family. We rarely see each other. Even though we all live with in the same general area. Facebook and phone is how we keep up. Major holidays we get together.

God has blessed me with the opportunity to write and create my own blog. Even if noone reads it. It is way for me to write down my world, my feelings, about anything that comes to mind. Hopefully one day I will be blessed with many readers where as I can start earning off my blogs.

Challenge : Write about blessings

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