
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cheesy Pizza Tortelloni Served with Veggies

Tonight's dinner is pleasant on the eye. It is real simple to make. You can either buy ingredients and mix it all together. Or DIY by making everything homemade. I choose the quick and easy route tonight.

Cheesy Pizza Tortelloni  
1 bag of frozen Tortelloni filled with cheese
1 jar of pizza sauce
Prepare tortelloni per directions on bag. Drain. Mix in pizza sauce. Options : You can add pepperoni, sausage or whatever you like topped on your pizza. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

Yellow carrots -sliced
Broccoli - chunked
Red bell peppers - diced
Green beans
Lemon juice

Saute in frying pan all veggies with garlic and lemon juice. To you get the desired textured of your veggies. This works best with fresh veggies. Frozen with work but lacks some flavor.

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