
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Who Has My Heart

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I decided to write about my heart tonight. As I created a photo collage at of those that I hold closes to my heart.

The middle photo is of my oldest boy and my his son, my grandson. They may live in their own place. However, my son will always be my first baby. I experienced the joy of motherhood the first time through him. I knew I wanted more children.

The top right corner is my teenage son. I am proud of him. He has gone further grade wise than any of my children. He is smart. He gets A's and B's. Plus, is a member of some honors classes.

The bottom right corner is of my boyfriend. I have been with him for three years. The present he bought me finally came in today from a jewelers. It is very pretty. I'll have to take a photo and write about it.

The photo on the bottom left is my teenage daughter. She does give me a lot of trouble. She is a rebel to the heart. I wish she would learn to choose her battles. Instead of making everything in a battle.

I challenge you to write about what is in your heart.

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