
Friday, January 23, 2015

Have You Ever Had A Smuckers Crustable?

This is the review I gave for the 'Smuckers Crustables campaign I did a couple years ago on Buzz Agent.

When I first received the package, my neighbor was outside asking what I had gotten. So, I took the time to tell her about buzz agent and the new campaign on 'Smuckers Crustables'. I asked if she ever heard of them. She said sure but they were expensive in the store. But never tried them. So, I handed her a coupon and said now you can try them with less cost.

I took off to the store to get them. As I was in the check out line the cashier asked how I got a coupon for free smuckers crustables. So, I took this chance to tell her all about buzz agent and smuckers crustables. She looked excited and wrote the sites name down. Oh course others in line heard me talking and was asking questions to. Good thing I had my purse as I gave them each a coupon to. I took the Smuckers Crustables home. Threw them in the freezer and forgot about them.

A couple days later as we were moving. The kids were hungry and wanting lunch. I remember the Smuckers Crustables sitting in the freezer. I pulled them out let them thaw. I started getting busy moving again. After awhile we took a break to eat lunch. My sister in law and niece asked what we were eating. I took this time to explain what it was. I gave mine up to my niece as seemed hungry to. The kids devoured them and asked for more. Sadly I didn't have any. But I had a few coupons left. One I gave to my sister in law. The other I kept for myself for the next time to the grocery store. Have you ever had a "Smuckers Crustable"? If so what are you thoughts? If not , does my review entice you to go try some?

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